Video: Vermont People’s Convention for Human Rights

Source: Vermont Workers’ Center

Visit: for more information.

Many people in Vermont are struggling to meet our fundamental needs in order to live a life with dignity. It is often a struggle to access healthcare, find decent housing, receive affordable childcare, find a meaningful job that pays the bills, afford healthy food, and access transportation, all while our communities face climate change and discriminatory immigration policies. We are beginning to realize that these are not problems that exist in isolation– they are like leaves on the same tree. The common root causes of these problems are becoming clear to our communities. When the power of the few trumps the voices of the many, we are denied our fundamental human rights.

But when we organize together we are so much stronger. This labor day weekend, come out to the People’s Convention for Human Rights to explore how we are struggling to meet our fundamental needs, and how we can work together to fight for our human rights, for dignity for everyone, a healthy environment and real democracy. The People’s Convention will include workshops, kids activities, music, art, street theater, food, and much much more!

Register today for the People’s Convention, August 31st-September 2nd in Burlington, VT. Go to to find out more!

People’s Convention Host Committee:
Migrant Justice
350 Vermont
Vermont Workers’ Center
Vermont Federation of Nurses and Health Professionals – AFT
United Professions of Vermont/AFT
Vermont Center of Independent Living (VCIL)
Green Mountain Self-Advocates
Voices For Vermont’s Children
Red Clover Climate Justice
Toward Freedom
Vermont Sierra Club